
July 30, 2008

I’m quitting my other blog CP Helpers. Well not fully but I not going to post as much.

The reason I’m not fully quitting it is because as soon as I quit Poly will quit and Searcherdude won’t be able to handle it. And also because I have done every thing for that blog and no one has helped me really. When I try to discuss something with them they always change the subject when I’m half way through because they think it is boring.

Yeah right, whatever.

I find that mean and not very nice coz I always listen to your stuff about your dreams which I find incredibley boring and gay.

I don’t really blame Search’ for this but I blame Poly Penguin and this is why:

I was on the phone to her about to post and it had 199 posts! She said something like she is on msn now and we will speak about it then. So we did… She said wait til we are all together and then we will do it. But Nooo! The party ended yesterday but was extended til the 5th of August. So she told Searcherdude to do a post and then she did one herself.

Trying to funny pictures she put her penguin by the Water Machine in the Member Lounge and said ‘I put my money in wheres my drink?!’ Thats not funny. And then she stood in the Cove and faced the bottle of water in the Surf Hut. She said ‘My Water!’

Thats not funny! Andif anyone dare laughs I have to say you must of had a very boring life..

In my posts I normally put Capital Letters and Fullstops. As you can see… Well on my last post on the CPH Blog, It didnt have oe capital letter because I was on my phone and it does have a QWERTY Keyboard but they are really small keys so I couldnt be bothered to do it..

My phone is actually a computer.. It is called a Windows Mobile and the model is: HTC Tytn II. It is touchscreen and is really confusing to use because Im used to handeling a phone like a phone but now I have to handle a phone like a computer and a computer like a phone. Just saying that is confusing!

Well, I might quit CPH fully but probably not. Probably just half…

Oh and by the way, I dont use capital letters on MSN… 🙂


PS: For some reason it is meant to be a sad time because Im quitting and Im annoyed with the others but today I am unusually happy!! Yay!! I might post a pic of my phone to make you jealous! No not really. Just to show you because it is hard to explain…

Penguin Band!

July 29, 2008

Most of us know that the Club Penguin Band is going round giving out a background. The background is only for members because the Band only hangs out Backstage in the member’s room… It’s a bit like Rockhopper but one room so it’s easier! But then there’s about 40 servers, and they could be on any of them!

Today they went back to the Iceburg. I should expect so, who’s break lasts two days?! 

At the moment I’m not sure if they speak.. It would be pretty cool if they did..

They are a bit harder to find as they are exactly the same size as any other normal penguin, unlike Rockhopper who is a bit bigger. You can dress up as them with their instruments the cowboy hat and the aviator sunglasses, and one of them even wears the Orange Sneakers! One also wears the normal reading type of glasses though, that are old and rare.

There are still two guitars that are very rare! The rarest is the wooden guitar. Not the sunset one that is available now, just a plain one. Me and Searcherdude own one.

The other one is the Black Electric Guitar. This item used to be the most common item you could see, but has gone up in value by millions! (Not really! Just an expression) When it was being sold, if you clicked on it in the catalogue, the very rare red guitar would come out. CP just released the red one again, so its not so rare. I had a red guitar.

All together, the instruments I own are: Drumsticks, Horn, Violin, Red electric guitar, Pink electric guitar, and plain old wooden guitar. And maracas ofcourse.

I just don’t seem to see the point in buying the member maracas. Unless a non member with their maracas is next to you to compare it, you look like a non-member while playing them. Theirs nothing wrong with looking like a non member butif you got it, make the most of it! Membership, I mean!

If you want to join a completely secret club, contact me at becky1507cph@hotmail.com… I’ll tell you name and secret password. Here are the rules:

  • You must have Club Penguin
  • You must have an email address that you check at least every week..
  • You must have a good memory or a secret folder on you computer for the password.
  • Unless it is for a very, very good reason, you will never be able to come back if you quit.
  • You must (Somehow..) prove that you are not a spy for any other group.

It is called SC and whoever is most loyal might be able to be, not a contributor, but a real author on this site!

Poly Penguin, Searcherdude and perhaps some other people I know are automatically in and can leave and come back in what ever the reason because they are some of my bestest best friends.

Well thats it.


PS Peice Out!

Best hiding places!

July 28, 2008

My best hiding places.

1. Nubbing: Go onto http://play.clubpenguin.com/load.swf and go to the room oyu want to hid in. Take off your hats or anythingthat makes you taller than you actually are.. Next, click as far under the chant bar as possible and sit down! You cant even see yourself!

2. Go to the stage, and walk onto the balcony seats on the right. When you are up there click the costume trunk (not the catalog, the actual trunk). You will now be hiding in a wall.. Getting out is your problem!

3. My third hiding places has to be up on the Beacon. Go behind the lightbulb and postision your self so your name is hidden by the bar thingy.

4. This is only on busy-ish servers or just busy! Dress up as a non-member (if your not one already..) and go to the town.. Now just stay where you are in the group of people who have entered the room but havent moved.. The only problem is sometimes the people move away! Otherwise, it’s a very good hiding place!

5. My fifth has to be in the Night Club. Hide behind a speaker.

Well thats all. My top five top hiding places! Use them!


Welcome to my site!

July 28, 2008

This is my new WordPress blog.. Welcome to it.. 😀 I’ll be posting as often as possible so look out for me! 😆 🙂

